Thursday, November 27, 2008


i love my car. we have a love hate relationship but as of today its not only thanks giving but its my 3 year anniversary with my car on nov 30 HOLLA my only long term relationship

THIS PURPOSE IS FOR MY MEMORY ONLY its hard to keep up with my car mods but i have to list them out just incase i forget what i have. i already forgot how many exact miles are on my new motor.... but im guessing 11k @ 91k (chassis)

'04 fully rebuilt wrx motor
some catless uppipe
stage 2 tune
'97 jdm subaru sti v6 RA tranny
21-23mm cusco adjustable rear sway bars
whiteline rear end links
megan street coilovers
04 subaru legacy gt front and rear rotors
04 subaru legacy gt front calipers

soon to come (verysoon):
APS full turboback system
whiteline 27mm front sway bar
whiteline adjustable front end links
some brand unequal length headers

other than that have a nice thanksgiving ya'll and dont forget to be thankful

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter Quarter 09

i have my winter quarter 09 schedule planned out here it is if anyone wants to holla and take a class with me its all tuesday and thursday so pfff it will go;

call #/course code/course name/course time/units

1770 | PE6V | Core Conditioning | 12:30pm-1:20pm | .5
0913 | EWRT2 | Critical Thinking and Writing | 1:30pm-3:40pm | 5
1076 | HIS4B | History of Western Civ | 3:30pm-5:10pm (i know there's a conflict) | 4
1045 | GEO10 | Introductory Geology | 6:00pm-9:20pm | 5
1099 | HIST17cZ | History of the United States 1900-Present | ONLINE | 4

the geology class includes a lab that's why its so long but hey might as well fulfill the last req that i need but this next quarter is going to be the shit niggaaa 18.5 units is a lot better than 22...and 21... im so excited to transfer i could pee in my pants

Monday, November 24, 2008


it's going to be hectic for the next two weeks due to school....but when its all over i could jerk around freely...HOLLA any plans for winter break hit me up im down i need a nice little vacation

Sunday, November 23, 2008


shit man coming at 6 am and waking up at 4 pm isnt cutting it for me, lol which leaves me with 3 papers due tomorrow shitzz. i think i manage my time pretty well besides the fact that i fuck around the house all the time for 3 hours instead of doing my hw...hahaha alright things to do when this quarter ends; 1. start going to the gym ( i am in desperate need of a partner who goes CONSISTANTLY to the gym) the key word is bolded, 2. man just chill off school and hope i get into the colleges i applied for, i finally get to take a normal school schedule of 12-14 units (so damn excited) 3. make moh skrilla, 4. become ballin out of control, 5. i really need to start going out since i will have the time now.

i think those will cover it for now ill think of more later, but i am pretty proud that i picked up a book from borders, with some research if the book is going to be good of course, and i finished my first leisure reading in a couple of years? shit i havent done that since... i think sophmore year of high school. oh well till next time latelatelate

ps. here jimmy i hope you're happy you get commas, periods, question marks, AND semicolins :]

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Come to think of it...

am i ready? meh i dont think im ready but diane thinks so so does kevin WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT if i cant believe in myself what can i believe in i need to grab my nuts and go somewhere

"all talk no walk.." thats all i gotta say

alright guys an update on life...

so as most of you guys know i dont blog much you know doesn't hurt to write some thoughts of feelings down in a time of need how gay i guess ill start with the things that are not so interesting ie, school i am 95% confident i could get into most of the major UCs excluding berkeley and ucla because its just too crazy man but other than that unless i fuck up big time on my essays and grades ....lets just hope that doesnt happen. well that sums it up about school besides the fact that this fall quarter is the busiest quarter of doom 22 units is crazy man but i mean with effort anything could happen right? :]

eh deepest shit ive written about ever.

as most of you know i am not in a relationship at the moment i dont know how im suppose to feel. honestly its a bunch of mixed feelings like i miss her, yet i dont really, but i think i do? sometimes i just want someone to sit on my bed doing their homework and occasionally i would annoy her about where to eat or if shes hungry or what does she think about this or that.. yea i miss that T_T but i guess roy huang is back on the market HAHA i know stupid right but i mean my options arent even opened, most of my closer friends know that i tried to holla but i failed i dont believe in the retry button but i just wanted to get to know her and stuff all i know is that she's beautiful, she has a beautiful last name, she has a beautiful face, damn she could be my queen damnit...LOL im kidding im not that infatuated but i consider myself lonely because i dont really have a person to open up to i cant picture myself in another relationship for a long time since ive been through ups and downs smiles and frowns it just takes too much energy from me. damn i just want to be comfortable..again.. it kills me damnit i guess to sum it all up i mean i dont regret being with the person it just i predicted this would happen, why did i even try bleh so most of the questions i get are; would you ever get back with her? the answer is i really dont know i have feelings for her in the back of my mind like i wouldnt mind...but part of me just says no because shes just a complete opposite from me i know thanks for the compliments guys like oh you were the best boyfriend blah balh and all that other stuff :] it boosts my self confidence when someone says that to me HAHAA gay oh well roy is currently on the prowl and takes no prisoners! HAHAHAHAHA

ive found myself in a money spending mood lately even with our economy in the shits another 350 spent on two jackets another 600 spent on car with more plans to come...any one want to go to tahoe in the winter time? oh by the way im almost 20....the teasing age i need to get out of my cave damnit

till next time....


ps. this song is off the heezy fohsheezy kero one feat myk - wake up

"cause every morning is a new day,
a new start for true hearts, to grow into change,
e-volve, as i follow the sun, i always keep in mind where my story begun"